
See why users visit your site – why some succeed and others fail

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How to setup pop-up v.2

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  1. Edit pop-up v2 look & feel
    Visit SETUP > POP-UP in admin.taskanalytics.com to manage your pop-up settings. To view pop-up v2 specific settings, add ?v2=yes to the address bar of your pop-up settings. E.g. /taskanalytics.com/org/012345678/survey/tm_00051/setup/texts?v2=yes
    The pop-up uses English by default. If English texts appear in a survey that's not in English, it means you haven't defined the texts.
  2. Preview pop-up v2
    Visit your survey's dashboard in admin.taskanalytics.com and copy the 5-digit number of your survey ID from the browser's address bar (e.g. taskanalytics.com/org/012345678/survey/tm_00051/tasks.). Enter the survey ID to the address bar of this demo page to preview your survey with pop-up v2. E.g. https://www.taskanalytics.com/demo/v2/?id=00051
  3. Install pop-up v2
    Copy and paste the installation code on this page right before the BODY-tag on your sites source code or use a tag manager to install the Task Analytics script. You can replace the existing Task Analytics code. Make sure the installation code contains your survey ID.
    Note: There's no difference between the javascript code of a Task survey versus a Discovery survey.

    Installation code

Instructions video


Contact us (guy@taskanalytics.com) or use the chat for (technical) support.

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